Albert Einstein is credited with saying “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend fifty nine minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” Given the rates of failure (be it transformations, new products, turnarounds, new strategies or whatever), business leaders need to ask themselves whether a) they spend […]
Category: Uncategorised
The Fever-Tree Effect
Introduction Brands were originally created to provide customers with a reassurance of their provenance and quality. As the number of brands grew and brand management became more sophisticated, so the search for differentiation became a key objective. However, in the last twenty years there has been an inexorable trend towards commoditization, with consumers exerting downward […]
Candezent Advisory Thinking
We have delivered some recent work, including: Gwen Morrison with Jon Stine, Open Voice Network and Amy Vener, Head of Retail Strategy, Pinterest- “The Changing World of Search” presentation to retail technology executives at CESLas Vegas January 2020 Gwen Morrison “ Twenty Commerce Trends for 2020” Keynote presentation to FIRA (Federation of International Retail Associations) […]
Our Recent Work
Candezent Advisory Partners are globally recognized for their expertise and their views are sought often and widely. We are always committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise by raising issues, contributing to discussions and suggesting ways forward. Recent contributions by Candezent Advisory Partners include: Alan Treadgold with Helen Dickinson, Chief Executive, British Retail Consortium – […]